Free Classes At The Growing Kids Educational Garden

From Lisa at The Growing Kids Educational Garden:
There's nothing like the taste of 
a fresh strawberry, especially
 when you picked it yourself. 

Picking fresh berries is just one of things happening in May for the children at the Growing Kids Educational Garden.

The classes at the Growing Kids Educational Garden are a fun way for kids to learn more about where food comes from; why fresh veggies can help them to be healthy and strong and how their garden can benefit the environment. Classes are free and designed for kids from kindergarten through 4th grade. The classes in May include a special Strawberry Day, with a visit to Delvin Farms for the kids to learn all about the berries and pick some delicious ones to take home too.

Class size is limited.

The Growing Kids Educational Garden plays a vital role
in the mission of the Franklin Farmers Market Educational Foundation,
a 501 c 3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing agricultural-based
education for health, sustainable food systems and environmental stewardship.

Many thanks to our friends at the
Williamson Farmers Co-op 
for their support of the Growing Kids Educational Garden.

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